Saturday, 6 June 2015

162. The Red-Spot Duke (Euthalia evelina)

Number: 162
Family: Nymphalidae  
Sub-Family:  Limenitidinae  
Species: Euthalia evelina annamita
Common name(s): The Red-Spot Duke
Rarity: Uncommon  
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang National Park (Khon Kaen)
Only a record shot for now ... 
ID confirmed by Prassobsuk Sukkit

161. The Grey Baron (Euthalia anosia anosia)

Number: 161
Family: Nymphalidae  
Sub-Family:  Limenitidinae  
Species: Euthalia anosia anosia
Common name(s): The Grey Baron
Rarity: Uncommon  
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang National Park (Khon Kaen) 
Only a record shot for now ...
ID Credit: Prasobsuk Sukkit

160. The White-Tipped Baron (Euthalia eriphylae chula)

Number: 160
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family: Limenitidinae
Species: Euthalia eriphylae chula
Common name(s): The White-Tipped Baron
Rarity: Rare
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)

ID Credit: Prasobsuk Sukkit

159. The Tiger Lascar (Lasippa monata monata)

Number: 159
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family: Limenitidinae
Species: Lasippa monata monata
Common name(s): The Tiger Lascar
Rarity: Rare
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP  

ID Credit: Supat

158. The Great Siam Sergeant (Athyma larymna siamensis)

Number: 158
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family: Limenitidinae
Species: Athyma larymna siamensis
Common name(s): The Great Siam Sergeant
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)


Friday, 5 June 2015

157. The Plains Cupid (Chilades pandava pandava)

Number: 157  
Family: Lycaenidae 
Sub-Family: Polyommatinae 
Species: Chilades pandava pandava  
Common name(s): The Plains Cupid  
Rarity: Common  
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: My garden, Khon Kaen environs; Phu Foi Lom NP (Udon Thani)

ID credit:  Tanvir Ahmed Shaikot

156. The Dark Grass Blue (Zizeeria karsandra)

Number: 156
Family: Lycaenidae
Sub-Family: Polyommatinae
Species: Zizeeria karsandra
Common name(s): The Dark Grass Blue
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: My garden, Khon Kaen environs
ID Credit:   Tanvir Ahmed Shaikot and  Nopporn Choeichaeng

155. The Black-veined Sergeant (Athyma ranga obsolescens)

Number: 155
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family: Limenitidinae
Species: Athyma ranga obsolescens
Common name(s): The Black-Veined Sergeant
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kean); Kaeng Krachan NP; Phu Phan National Park (Nakhon Sakhon)

Another male spotted at Phu Wiang NP ...

154. The Dark-Banded Bushbrown (Mycalesis mineus mineus)

Number: 154
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:   Satyrinae
Species: Mycalesis mineus mineus
Common name(s): The Dark-Banded Bushbrown
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)
The Female

The Male

 Thanks to Nath Panunath for separating male and female

153. The Small Leopard (Phalanta alcippe alcippoides)

Number: 153
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:   Heliconiinae
Species: Phalanta alcippe alcippoides
Common name(s): The Small Leopard
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen); Kaeng Krachan NP; Phu Khieo WS (Chaiyaphum)

There were literally hundreds huddled under the wheel arches of the truck one day. A seas on orange.  

152. The Wizard (Rhinopalpa polynice birmana)

Number: 152
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Nymphalinae
Species: Rhinopalpa polynice birmana
Common name(s): The Wizard
Rarity: Rare
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

151. The Chocolate Pansy (Junonia iphita iphita)

Number: 151
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Nymphalinae
Species: Junonia iphita iphita
Common name(s): The Chocolate Pansy
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen); Phu Khieo WS (Chaiyaphum); Nam Nao NP (Petchabun); Kaeng Krachan NP

150. The Autumn Leaf (Doleschallia bisaltide continentalis)

Number: 150
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Nymphalinae
Species: Doleschallia bisaltide continentalis
Common name(s): The Autumn Leaf
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen) 

150 species (with a few sub-species thrown in) ... and a beautiful one at that. Roll on 200 ...

149. The Marbled Map 2 (Cyrestis cocles earli)

Number: 149
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Cyrestinae
Species: Cyrestis cocles earli
Common name(s): The Marbled Map
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen); Kaeng Krachan NP 

148. The Little Map (Cyrestis themire themire)

Number: 148
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Cyrestinae
Species: Cyrestis themire themire
Common name(s): The Little Map
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP 

147. The Common Maplet (Cheronesia risa risa)

Number: 147
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Cyrestinae
Species: Cheronesia risa risa
Common name(s): The Common Maplet
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

146. The Great Nawab (Polyura eudamippus nigrobasalis)

Number: 146
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Charaxinae
Species: Polyura eudamippus nigrobasalis
Common name(s): The Great Nawab
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)

145. The Common Tawny Rajah (Charaxes bernardus hierax)

Number: 145
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Charaxinae
Species: Charaxes bernardus hierax
Common name(s): The Common Tawny Rajah
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)

144. The Siamese Black Prince (Rohana parisatis siamensis)

Number: 144
Family: Nymphalidae
Sub-Family:  Apaturinae
Species: Rohana parisatis siamensis
Common name(s): The Siamese Black Prince
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)
ID Credit: Prasobsuk Sukkit (many thanks for all your help on this one)

143. The Barred Lineblue (Prosotas aluta coelestis)

Number: 143  
Family: Lycaenidae 
Sub-Family:  Polyommatinae 
Species: Prosotas aluta coelestis  
Common name(s): The Barred Lineblue  
Rarity: Common  
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)

ID Credit: Prasobsuk Sukkit

142. The Evan's White Flat (Seseria strigata)

Number: 142
Family: Hesperiidae
Sub-Family:  Pyrginae
Species: Seseria strigata
Common name(s): The Evan's White Flat
Rarity: Rare
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)

141. The White-Banded Awl (Hasora taminatus malayana)

Number: 141
Family: Hesperiidae
Sub-Family:  Coeliadinae
Species: Hasora taminatus malayana
Common name(s): The White-Banded Awl
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP
ID Credit: Prasobsuk Sukkit

140. The Yellow-Banded Awl (Hasora schoenherr gaspa)

Number: 140
Family: Hesperiidae
Sub-Family:  Coeliadinae
Species: Hasora schoenherr gaspa
Common name(s): The Yellow-Banded Awl
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

139. The Yellow Orange Tip 2 (Ixias pyrene verna)

Number: 139
Family: Pieridae
Sub-Family:  Pierinae
Species: Ixias pyrene verna
Common name(s): The Yellow Orange Tip
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

138. The Red-spot Sawtooth (Prioneris philonome clemanthe)

Number: 138
Family: Pieridae
Sub-Family:  Pierinae
Species: Prioneris philonome clemanthe
Common name(s): The Red-Spot Sawtooth
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

137. The Orange Albatross (Appias nero figulina)

Number: 137
Family: Pieridae
Sub-Family:  Pierinae
Species: Appias nero figulina
Common name(s): The Orange Albatross
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

136. The Great Orange Tip (Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe)

Number: 136
Family: Pieridae
Sub-Family:  Pierinae
Species: Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe
Common name(s): The Great Orange Tip
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP


135. The Common Plum Judy (Abisara echerius notha)

Number: 135   
Family: Lycaenidae 
Sub-Family: Riodininae 
Species: Abisara echerius notha   
Common name(s): The Common Plum Judy   
Rarity: Common   
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen); Phu Foi Lom NP (Udon Thani)

ID Credit: Tanvir Ahmed Shaikot and Prasobsuk Sukkit

134. The Black and White Helen 2 (Papilio nephelus sunatus)

Number: 134
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species: Papilio nephelus sunatus
Common name(s): The Black and White Helen
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP
ID Credit: Pisuth Ek-Amnuay

133. The Golden Birdwing (Troides aeacus aeacus)

Number: 133
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species: Troides aeacus aeacus
Common name(s): The Golden Birdwing
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP and environs (Khon Kaen); Kaeng Krachan NP

132. The Common Rose (Pachliota aristolochiae goniopeltis)

Number: 132
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species: Pachliota aristolochiae goniopeltis
Common name(s): The Common Rose
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP, Nam Phong NP and environs (Khon Kaen); Kaeng Krachan NP

Monday, 1 June 2015

131. The Fourbar Swordtail (Graphium agetes agetes)

Number: 131
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species: Graphium agetes agetes
Common name(s): The Fourbar Swordtail
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

130. The Banded Mormon (Papilio prexaspes pitmani)

Number: 130
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species: Papilio prexaspes pitmani
Common name(s): The Banded Mormon
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)

 ID Credit: Prasobsuk Sukkit

129. The Spangle (Papilio protenor eurotenor)

Number: 129
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species:Papilio protenor eurotenor
Common name(s): The Spangle
Rarity: Uncommon
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP

128. The Great Mormon (Papilio memnon agenor)

Number: 128
Family: Papilionidae
Sub-Family: Papilioninae
Species: Papilio memnon agenor
Common name(s): The Great Mormon
Rarity: Common
Province(s) / Place(s) sighted: Kaeng Krachan NP; Phu Wiang NP (Khon Kaen)
The Male

The Female